Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Let Us Therefore Strive To Enter Rest

To those in search of answers for the tough questions, revelation of adistinct purpose, and an all-encompassing Peace: may these words bring you comfort.

Karraba is a simple middle aged man, with a simple middle class job. Heworks a 9-5, has a family, enjoys a good conversation, he's just an ordinaryeveryday man. The extraordinary thing about Karraba (besides his name) is hislevel of contentment. I met this man this week, and just cannot shake theimpact he has made on me. Our conversation has consumed my thoughts. I cannothelp but tell people of this magnificent man. He was born into the slums of Kenya along with 10 brothers and his sister. As I talked with this man, he told me of how he vividly remembered having no shoes until he was about 25! I wouldnot consider myself a fashion guru, but I have at least 15 pair in my closetnow, not to mention how many numerous pairs I have outgrown in my lifetime. Karrabawent on to tell me how he desired to come to America to raise a family. As hetold through his bright smile and heavy Kenyan accent, "I did not know howI was to come to live here, I had no money, no passport, I did not know wheremy next meal was coming from. I knew that I had a purpose, I just stayedpatient and here I am today." I could see the passion in his eyes andoverwhelming sense of confidence in his body language. This man truly had cometo the point we all desire, yet never seem to obtain: Contentment. How did heget there you ask? Keep reading.

What astonishes me about a story like Karraba's, is that this man would notbe considered a wealthy man by any means. He has simply found a peace that weall desire to achieve. We all tell ourselves that if we just make it to thenext tax bracket we will be happy, if we just have that car, or thatrelationship we will find our happiness, but based on this story I woulddisagree. I do not believe, and I would venture to say Karraba would agree, thathappiness is not found by comparing up to those with more than us. It is bycomparing down to those less fortunate that us. It is found in the realizationthat you are distinctly different from those around you. Contentment is notblanket state of being that is the same for everyone. Disagree? Think that isonly something poor people say to make themselves feel better? Then stop andmeditate on this thought: Why do we all have different tastes and preferences?If contentment was just an obtainable status that was the same for everyone,wouldn't we all be content to just have a job and a pair of shoes like Karabba?I propose that contentment, is found in the realization of one’s distinctnature, and when that realization is birthed into action, we do what we wereinnately designed to do -clicking on all cylinders we reach our full potentialrooting within us the deepest levels of contentment.

How do we reach that seemingly unobtainable level you ask? That is thequestion that has plagued many for years, some never find resolution and yetothers run full steam ahead and thrive. The key that unlocks those chains thekeep you down is the desire to do so. Don't lose me, yes; what I am saying isthat in order to have contentment you first must want it. Not only want it butstrive for it. Desire it. Need it. Reach a level most will never obtain: angst.If you have agreed or even remotely been interested up until this point I fear Imay lose you at this junction. If you have had any bit of revelation or anyconnection thus far please do not be put off, because you hOave not read thisfar without purpose. Therefore, I would be amiss to fail to mention the root ofthe issue at hand. If I have not been translucent up to this point, let me bevery clear. The issue is a matter of the heart. Contentment is not found inpossessions, as they are fleeting; here today and gone tomorrow. Peace ofknowing what you doing at your job, or in school, or even here on earth is notfound in people, no one is perfect and humans do not stand the test of time, wewill all pass away and be forgotten to the pages of history. True Contentmentis found solely in the fierce desire of repentance of one's heart. I pray that:"Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts." If thereis any inkling of a connection with this post thus far it is my prayer that youknow the Lord is knocking at your hearts door. Strive after him and you willfind that rest. Karraba told me, "Seek the Lord with all your heart, andhe will guide your paths." His faith in Proverbs 3:5-6 brought him peace.He strived after the Lord, and the Lord revealed his will for Him. He had adistinct purpose to encourage me, and to hopefully touch your heart today. Turnto him and He will give you peace. Seek the Lord while He may be found, call onHim while He is near. God does not want a phony, cold, and performance based religion. That is a fear based behavior modification relationship. He does not desire that. All He asks is that you act justly, love mercy andwalk humbly with Him. I will be praying for all that read this. We are allstriving for something. But may I prose to you, is what your striving fortemporal, or of Eternal significance.

                                                                                             Peace be with you all.
                                                                                             In Christ Jesus.

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